Employees or Sub-Contractors?

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  • Employees or Sub-Contractors?

crestwood painting van who is your painter - kansas city Who is working on your project? And exactly how are they being paid - as an employee or sub-contractor? It really does make a difference and it really can cost you money. Here's why:

Risk to Homeowners

Any contractor, whether an individual or business,  should have proper insurance - both workman's compensation and business liability. It is ultimately the customers' responsibility to ensure that there are no breaks in the insurance chain.  Workman's compensation is required by law; business liability is simply common sense and good judgement. If there is an accident (and improper, or no, insurance) there will be liability - it just won't be covered. At that point the customer is front and center in the liability chain.

Supervision or Workers

Communication is key in every business. Anything less than 100% crystal-clear communication means the customer gets shorted. A solid contractor has systems and procedures in place to ensure customer expectations are met. It's likely that same level of professionalism is missing in a subcontractor relationship.

Safety on the Job

A sub that can't (or won't) afford proper insurance is also likely to skimp on equipment. Safety equipment, first aid equipment, production equipment - and the training & proper usage of that equipment. The low subcontractor price may be attractive but that looks less enticing when faced with an injury.


Because of the third party relationship there just isn't the same level of considerate responsiveness. That might be OK in bridge painting but you likely don't want that transactional approach in your living room. A solid contractor knows exactly what happens on his jobsite when he's not there, but there's a good deal less certainty in a subcontractor situation. Loud music? Rude behavior? Could be - what's your recourse?

There is much to consider when looking at a contractor to hire, some of that isn't important until after you've had a problem. Best to be up-front and understand all of the moving parts - then you'll know what the risks are. Please call Crestwood Painting if you've got any questions!

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