Best Bedroom Colors

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Bedroom paint colors kansas city painter crestwood paintingBedrooms can be either a relaxing refuge or a nondescript place to hang your clothes - I choose relaxing refuge. Here's my favorite color consultant Diane Stewart at Color Sense Consulting:

Your bedroom is a private place to relax, refresh, reflect, and dream. It's your refuge from the world. Creating a comfort zone before decorating public areas should be a priority, but often the reverse is true.

You need to have a comfortable place to unwind. Bedrooms colors are personal, although blue is the most popular choice. While many find cool bluish colors soothing, others find them too chilly. Warm colors can seem cozy and comfy, but if they're too bright they may be over stimulating.

It really depends on how you want the space to feel. You need to check in with yourself first. Are you going for light, uplifting mornings? (Sunny, bright, cheerful?) Do you want to create a darker evening space with some drama? (Warm, sexy, cozy?) Or, pale and neutral to turn down the visual clutter of the busy world? (Calm, Zen, peaceful?)

Personally, I've chosen different bedroom colors for myself depending on the time and place. I learned to "self-medicate" with color early on. Sometimes I needed more energy, and sometimes I needed calmness. Color can help comfort and soothe you throughout life when you choose colors that sing to you. Each home, and stage of life, is different which begs for another color palette. Color can help you cope with life transitions.

Recognize that bedroom color in particular needs to be customized to you and your situation. Bedrooms are very special places where the mood and meaning of color may be more important than a design statement. So, the best bedroom color for you is the color that gives you what you need at the time.

If you need help figuring it all out, save time, money, and energy by working with a Color Sense Consultant.

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